Cinema 4D Tutorial: Two Ways to Cache or Bake Particle Simulations
to is drop something into your emitter and if you go to the emitter you have to make sure you check on show objects that's off by default so check that on and then everything is working properly you can use this to have pieces of paper flying across the scene or confetti or different things like that the problem uh with this setup is that if we scrub it you can already see that we have a lot of inconsistent results so if we scrub it and want to know exactly what's going on um it's kind of impossible to do that and if if you're.
going to render this on multiple machines or if you have to stop and start your renders you might have some glitches or problems so just like the Dynamics we want to be able to Cache this so that we can scrub through it and everything's going to render properly so if you're beginning you might right click and go through these different tags and try to find a cach tag because the emitter itself does not have any caching options so if we rightclick and look through all these you might go to the mograph cach tag and say that might.
work and you might hit bake and nothing happens that's because this does not recognize the emitter as a mograph family so I don't think you can actually get to the tag from this menu you might be able to I didn't see it but if you go to simulate and then go to particles right at the bottom we have this big particles tag so if we click on that guy we'll get a little pop-up dialogue and if we hit okay we will include the.
subobjects and already it's cache it's very very quick and you can see that we have this little cache tag on here so now if we scrub through we can know exactly what's going on and everything is behaving properly the problem with this is um there's a little bit less uh flexibility and options um you'll notice that if we start at frame zero uh there's no particles but what happens if we want to render at frame zero but already have a bunch of particles born.
we can't really do that this way so we're going to do it a different way we're going to use the mograph cloner so let's add one of those let's take that plane out of the emitter and let's put it inside of the cloner and let's change the cloner from linear to object and then we unlock this object slot which we'll drag the emitter into and now if we go ahead and hit play you'll notice that every single particle has a plain clone to it so it's basically the same thing except for now we have unlocked the uh mograph cach tag because this cloner is part of the mograph family.
so if we set it up this way we can use that mograph cache tag hit bake and we're going to be able to bake this simulation now we can actually turn off that emitter cuz it's already baked in there and you can see that we have everything playing just the way we would all right so now that we have all this set up we have unlocked the offset so if we want this to start a little bit ahead of time let's say 100 frames or so before uh zero so by the time you start your render at frame zero they'll already be born and have filled in that.
black space so you can kind of not have that awkward spot in the beginning where sort of popping on and being born but they're already filling up the screen so those are two different ways that you can bake your particles personally I use the cloner way a lot more because then you can unlock you know a lot of those effectors that you can use in the cloner just a few more options inside of your mograph cach tag as well like that offset so that's the way I set it up but those are the two different ways you can.